Is there an antidiabetic tea?


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Edgar Lopez answered

People who suffer from diabetes are restricted to diets that do not alter their blood glucose levels and for people who do not suffer from diabetes, they must do what is necessary to get away from this disease. Black tea reduces the glycemic index of a meal, according to the study by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. When British scholars had 12 people take 350ml of the hot drink after eating a meal rich in carbohydrates, and the result was that people who drank tea lowered their glucose levels 40% more in just two hours compared to the levels of people who didn't drink tea.

The solution mechanism is that "an active compound in tea triggers an insulin secretion, which lowers glucose," clarifies the author of the study. It is recommended that black tea be consumed at the end of the day, this can be done after dinner and before bed, because so the tea will be in our body while we rest and you can take full advantage of all its benefits.

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jonatan palazzo answered

si hay un muchos metodos para cuidarse de la diabetes la principal es la azucar y comer sano lo que tiene una buena salud para tener mejor salud y saber cuidarse no es muy complicado solo hay que saber que comer y tener un orden si comes cualkier cosa no funciona por mas que tomes la medicacion la glucosa sube mucho por mas que tomes la pastilla siempre hay que prevenir sentirse mal y darse cuenta que uno puede mejorar su salud si se lo propone yo tengo hipertension y no me afecta porque me cuido mucho y como poco con sal pero no dejo de comer

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